Thursday, December 4, 2008

Entry 3

For my museum I am thinking about doing Abstract Art for the design of my Museum. There is a lot of information on this type of art, that you can find on this site. Abstract Art started with two main artists back in 1910, they were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. They introduced cubism, which led to Abstract paintings such as this:
Abstract Art usually has a picture in it, that you may or may not be able to see easily. For example, in this picture there are two faces that are playing instruments.

Wikipedia describes Abstract Art as using a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which exists independently of visual references to the world.

Picasso is one of the most important Abstract painters of our time. He was one of the founders of cubism(which led to Abstract) and almost all of his painting are done in Abstract. Here are some of his paintings:

1 comment:

Derek Runberg said...

a good architect to look into is Le Corbusier, He was the father of the stark modern architecture movement. He was inspired by cubist painting and designed houses for a number of artists. His house Maison La Rouche is part house part gallery.