Friday, February 13, 2009

Post 14- Burning Man

After building our Burning man project I would say that the outlook for my project has not really changed that much. Because the Burning Man was something that we put together based on savageness and inequality. Where as my museum doesn't really have to do with either of those things.

I think that our group did pretty well working under pressure. Although it was a little bit hard to come up with an idea at first, we were able to think of one and put it together based on how we felt. I think that my group definitely completed what we wanted to do, even though at first we had some troubles.

I think it has definitely changed how I look at architecture. Because in Burning man we really got to display our thoughts and ideas in a project. And we were able to see what something that we created would actually look like if we were to build it. Instead of always doing it on a computer.

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