Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Post 15- Ceilings

What I learned from the activity was that the roof or ceiling really does effect the way somebody may view a room. Just from walking around the building we learned how natural light and ceiling height effects are view of the room.

For me, I really like when a room is lit by natural light. It just makes is seem more comfortable and the lighting is better.

For my building I am planning on doing some sort of pitched roof, there will probably be some skylights to add natural light.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Post 14- Burning Man

After building our Burning man project I would say that the outlook for my project has not really changed that much. Because the Burning Man was something that we put together based on savageness and inequality. Where as my museum doesn't really have to do with either of those things.

I think that our group did pretty well working under pressure. Although it was a little bit hard to come up with an idea at first, we were able to think of one and put it together based on how we felt. I think that my group definitely completed what we wanted to do, even though at first we had some troubles.

I think it has definitely changed how I look at architecture. Because in Burning man we really got to display our thoughts and ideas in a project. And we were able to see what something that we created would actually look like if we were to build it. Instead of always doing it on a computer.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Post 13

As a designer I am somebody who is pretty creative when I am able to open up and just do what I see in my head. Sometimes I am able to do that and other times I am not. At times it is hard for me to draw or write something and have it come out the way that I want it to. But if I am able to be creative and just draw what I see, I am usually like what I draw.

As a participant in my museum I would want to have an experience that I would not forget. And as a designer it would be my job to make that experience. With my building, I would want to let people have fun and enjoy the museum. I would do this by creating my building in an almost Abstract form, so it would be random and use a lot of color. One of the main ideas for my building is although it may seem abstract and random, it will all fit together like a puzzle. Because for me, Picasso's art may seem random or out of place, in the end, it all fits together to form a picture.

My building would be a symbol in the community to the other surrounding areas. It may stand out from the other buildings in the area, but it would also be a symbol of the community.

My favorite spot in the building would probably be the lobby, because it is what the people that come in, see first. It has walls that come into the room to form uneven walls and you can see into the lobby from the floor above through a glass floor.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Post Ten- Week 1 goals

For this week my goals are to get at least one bubble drawing done a day. I want to get three done for the week. I am going to focus on really trying to relate my building to Abstract Art. It will be important to find a connection between my building and my art over the next week. Once I know what that connection is, it will be much easier to design my building.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Post 9- Reflection

I thought that I did a pretty good job on my presentation. I could of had a better art piece, but Cubism is kind of hard to create. I think that there is still a lot of things that I need to think about for my building, but sometimes it is hard because Abstract art doesn't really have a common form.

For my art project I re-created a Google satellite image. I took the image and cut it up into squares to try and resemble Cubism. Then I put the image back together and it made it look somewhat Cubist.

Overall on my presentation I thought that it went well. I know enough about Picasso and Cubism now that I hopefully will be able to integrate it into my building. Right now my main idea is to have some sort of Cubist building.